Couches on Fire

A Morgantown Area Music and Culture Blog

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Ghost Town Archives #1 -- The San Vitale

This is the first in a series of MP3 postings of long-gone Morgantown bands.

The San Viatle (1997-2000)

bass - Ryan Hand

organ and synth - Darian Schramm

Drums - Chris Turco/Jay Demko/anon


With their hooky organ/Moog/drums equation and herky-jerky rhythms, The San Vitale were the first of the Morgantown bands to point toward what now known as dance-punk. To me, their music was a high-energy hybrid of Booker T and the MGs and DEVO.


Ryan Hand, who later formed the Shame Spiral (the band that never was) moved to Columbus, OH where he DJs under the name of Dead Air, and causes lots of trouble.

Jay Demko, who later spearheaded On, the Rare Birds, the Holy Ghost, and World B Free now lives in Portland, Oregon.

Darian Schramm formed the Alloy Airkar and the A1M and now lives in New York.

Chris Turco moved to DC, where he played in the Scene Creamers, Pines of Nowhere, and Trans-Am. He now lives in Woodstock, NY.

Dammit! I can't remember the name of their first drummer.


Flash Gorgeous

Neighbor of the Beast

Weighing the Wisdom

We Never Wanted This


Thanks to Molekule for having the foresight to put these gems up in the first place.


  • At 9/05/2005 11:04 PM, Blogger Brian said…

    Stupid spam comments!

    Anyway cool stuff. I hear some krautrock and spy music in there but I'm curious where you get the dancepunk connection from. I'm still waiting for your exhaustive examination of the Plastic Hearts ;)

  • At 9/07/2005 10:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    yes -- these spam comments are killing me.

    perhaps the dancepunk connotation was more of a visual thing -- you know, white belts, choppy haircuts and all.

    of course there's also the fact that this band was that they were playing dancey keyoard-driven music when most every other band in town was doing a guitar rock a-la 63 eyes/braille drivers. they were definitely blazing a trail toward the early 00's with this stuff.

  • At 9/14/2005 1:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    last two songs are linked to the same file, FYI.

    also, here are ALL of my San Vitale mp3s. these were recorded when Justin (lately of Hackensaws Boys) was drumming for the band:


  • At 9/22/2005 2:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello! I was so pleased to find this! I just wanted to say that the first drummer for San Vitale was Justin Newhart who now plays in The Hackensaw Boys.
    Keep up the good work. great to see Morgantown music still going strong.
    love always, Adriane

  • At 10/08/2005 3:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    God, those mp3's sound like shit. I can't even listen to them. But the music sounds pretty decent... I guess. Whatever. Fuck Morgantown and fuck music.


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