Couches on Fire

A Morgantown Area Music and Culture Blog

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

So I went to movie night


Yeah me and no one else. So I want to get some discussion started. Is having a movie night at Pleasant St. a bad idea? If it's not, what else can they do to entice people to go? What kinds of movies should they show.

Now, as for my opinion, I know this is more of an unsolicited LJ idea, but it could be cool. I told him he needs to be more proactive about the 123 myspace account and promote things more on there, a couple flyers up at 123 aren't going to be enough, and only regulars would really be interested in this anyway.

Idunno, we'll see if it works...

The other new free thing is the reggae night being every Tuesday. I went to one of the reggae nights and it was pretty fun, but it's starting to smell like the way things went for Mayday! the first time we did it. LJ was excited about it doing well and convinced us to do it once a week, I forget what night, but it was something like Tuesday. We always had a few people but the crowds got smaller and smaller. There just isn't an audience for a weekly 80s DJ night, so is there an audience for a weekly reggae night? I doubt it, but best of luck to those dudes. I think I'm going tomorrow, anyone else?


  • At 9/21/2005 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i think it all depends on the caliber of movies, really. i have some ideas i could pitch to donny or lj, quality punk documentaries mainly -- mc5 - a true testimonial, the filth and the fury, end of the century, decline of western civilization, maybe i can get hold of this excellent reggae documentary series that came out on ifc.

    trouble is (for me, anyway) is that i get home from work on monday nights at 10pm, and have to be up the next day at 7 am.



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